Stan Lee’s Superhumans Features Pat Povilaitis

I was catching up with Pat Povilaitis yesterday and along the way he casually mentioned that he’d been filmed by the “History Channel last April for a show called Stan Lee's Superhumans.”

Here’s a file photo of Pat Povilaitis shaking hands with a mountain lion trap, taken at the 2008 edition of the AOBS dinner—where Pat is a regular performer.  Mountain lion traps aside, one of the occupational hazards faced by performing strongmen is that it’s easy to for someone to cry “Fake,” but Pat Povilaitis could always answer critics by offering to introduce them to his signature feat and let them try it for themselves before commenting further.  IronMind® | Randall J. Strossen photo.
Here’s a file photo of Pat Povilaitis shaking hands with a mountain lion trap, taken at the 2008 edition of the AOBS dinner—where Pat is a regular performer.  Mountain lion traps aside, one of the occupational hazards faced by performing strongmen is that it’s easy to for someone to cry “Fake,” but Pat Povilaitis could always answer critics by offering to introduce them to his signature feat and let them try it for themselves before commenting further.  IronMind® | Randall J. Strossen photo.

And although it hasn’t been aired in the US yet, if you can’t wait, and especially if your Portuguese is pretty good, you might enjoy seeing the version that’s been running in Brazil:

Watching someone stick his hand in a mountain lion trap probably transcends linguistic boundaries, so you can probably get the same gut reaction without understanding a word.

“It was a pretty interesting experience, two very full days of filming,” Povilaitis told IronMind.

“Filmed many different takes of different strength feats, most of which did not make the segment.  I'm hoping when the DVD comes out it will contain some bonus footage.  It was about 20 degrees outside and I had to hold my hand in the trap for around 2 minutes while they got footage.”

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