Nikolay Shpak Certifies on the Captains of Crush No. 3 Gripper

After “Nikolay Shpak certified very easily on the Crushed to the Dust Challenge, he tried also the CoC 3 [Captains of Crush No. 3 gripper] and managed to close it,” Alexey Tyukalov reported to IronMind.

He’d like to be an action movie star and with his grip strength, the newest man certified on the Captains of Crush No. 3 gripper can certainly deliver a hand shake more than worthy of the role.  IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Alexey Tyukalov
He’d like to be an action movie star and with his grip strength, the newest man certified on the Captains of Crush No. 3 gripper can certainly deliver a hand shake more than worthy of the role.  IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Alexey Tyukalov

"I live in the country with a 5-year old son and 2-year old daughter,” said the 27 year old Shpak, who stands 186 cm (about 6‘ 1”) and weighs 89 kg (about 196 lb.). 

“I have my own gym where I train local kids armwrestling and armlifting for free.

“I have been training in serious sport for just 2-1/2 years and started my training with Captains of Crush grippers in January 2012, when I
first got them.  I was able to close CoC No. 3 right away, on my first attempt of this gripper.

“My business is timber.  I train to be a role model for my son.  I want to win all the biggest grip tournaments and to be the first man in Russia to certify for Captains of Crush No. 4 gripper.

“My goal is to open a big fitness center and make sport affordable for
everybody, especially children, and also I would like to become an actor and play in an action movie—this is my dream from early childhood."

Once again, IronMind would like to thank Alexey Tyukalov for his assistance as he refereed this attempt while also competing that 2013 Armlifting Championships, and to Nikolas Shpak, “Congratulations—your name has been added to the official certification list for the Captains of Crush No. 3 gripper . . . proving you have a seriously strong grip, which will serve you well as an action movie star!”


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