New Grip(per) Forum Up and Running

Everyone who is interested in grippers and grip strength has another place to go on the Internet now:  the Grippermania forum has been launched and from we have seen and heard, this forum is friendly, positive, and committed to bringing grip strength into more of the mainstream on the Internet.

Whether you are a beginner or have been into grip strength for a while, give this site a try - ask a question, provide an answer, or just share some of your enthusiasm with other people who have been bitten by the grip(per) bug.

Captains of Crush® Hand Grippers

Captains of Crush grippers: the gold standard of grippers
The gold standard of grippers.

The fastest route to the strongest grip.

MILO®: Strength

Universal power broker

We deal in kilos and meters, pounds and feet.

Strong-Enough™ Lifting Straps

IronMind: Strong-Enough Lifting Straps: Most popular" at WSM. Proven daily by the world's strongest men.

Proven daily by the world's strongest men.

If you're not using IronMind lifting straps, you're not lifting as much as you could be.

Expand-Your-Hand Bands

Expand-Your-Hand Bands
Say goodbye to tennis elbow

Prevent, eliminate or reduce tennis elbow and associated pains. Simple, fun and effective.