Alan Barch Jr. Certifies on the Captains of Crush® No. 3 Gripper

Whether he’s doing a one-chin, a double bodyweight hang clean, or braiding his daughter’s hair, Alan Barch Jr. brings world class grip strength to the table and now it’s official as he has just been certified on the No. 3 Captains of Crush® Gripper.

Alan Barch Jr. is the latest man certified on the No. 3 Captains of Crush (CoC) gripper.  Alan is 30 years old, stands 5‘ 9‘ tall, weighs 212 lb., and among his feats of strength, he can do a one-arm pull up and a double bodyweight hang clean.  IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Alan Barch Jr.
Alan Barch Jr. is the latest man certified on the No. 3 Captains of Crush (CoC) gripper.  Alan is 30 years old, stands 5‘ 9‘ tall, weighs 212 lb., and among his feats of strength, he can do a one-arm pull up and a double bodyweight hang clean.  IronMind® | Photo courtesy of Alan Barch Jr.

Training his grip for about five years, Alan Barch told IronMind: “I first heard about the CoC grippers from one of my good friends Kent Boen who has used them for many years and really got me into grip training and IronMind products in general.  I tried closing the [CoC No.] 2 and I couldn’t close it, but was fairly close.

“I train my grip specifically 2–3 days per week using the grippers and Rolling Thunder® and I haven’t used straps much over the past 10 years to get a good grip. 

“A typical workout for me is credit card closes on the [CoC] 2.5 for max reps, then a heavy day where I challenge myself with credit card closes with the 3 where I try to crush through the end.  If i am feeling really good I will try the [CoC No.] 3.5.  I own a 4 but have never tried it yet.  I never got much carryover with the partials or negatives so I stopped doing those, but I did get a lot of carryover from doing roughly the same distance as the credit card closes, but without putting the credit card there. 

“Once I was able to do that I practiced more with the credit card actually in place.  Rolling Thunder I usually do 3x3 after the grippers, though i do rotate in monthly cycles which one I do first.
“I use my hands every day as a part time trainer loading and unloading weights.  I found the my increased grip strength carries over into virtually every lift, even squats: I grip the bar as tight as I can and I find that I am tighter during the lift. 

“I also attribute my great back strength and hang clean strength to having a great grip.  It wasn’t until I got serious with the CoC grippers that I could do a 1-arm chinup and hang clean double bodyweight.  I have no doubt the grippers allowed me to do these things.  I am also always carrying any one or more of my 4 kids as stay at home dad and I am still able to braid my girls hair!

“This certification process was a lot of fun and it really helped motivate me and will continue to as I push towards the number [CoC No. ]3.5,” Alan said.

Alan Barch had the patience of Job as IronMind worked to line up the referee for his official attempt on the Captains of Crush No. 3 gripper and we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Aaron DeMarest for serving in this capacity.

Many thanks, Aaron and congratulations, Alan—it’s official: you have just been certified on the Captains of Crush No. 3 gripper and your name has been added to the official CoC No. 3 certification list.


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