John Brookfield's Grip Tips

IronMind Conditioning and Active Rest Tools

IronMind EGG

Warm-ups, active rest and recovery, stress-relief, repping out, or max efforts, the IronMind EGG can be squeezed as gently or as ferociously as you'd like.



 Wrist defender

Wrist Defender

Now with a wrist strap--take it for a walk! Use this friendly tool to gently loosen and stretch your joints, relieving pressure in the wrist area and promoting blood flow and increased range of motion.




Dexterity Balls I


Dexterity Balls Level I

These ancient balls should be in the hands of grip specialists and everyone who could benefit from increased manual dexterity, range of motion, and muscle control. Comes with training course. 






Explore the Crushed-to-Dust! Cube, the world's leading system for building superior grip strength.


Download the CTD Cube booklet here

Shop in the IronMind e-store for IronMind's conditioning and active rest training tools.